The high school lobby will be open until 5pm today and tomorrow for remote material pick up.

We are aware that some Mediacom customers are having internet issues today. If you are a Mediacom customer and are having issues, please have your child attempt to log in and complete work when service is restored. All other students should be logging in as usual today.

Please remember that tomorrow, January 7th, and Friday, January 8th, will be remote learning days for all students. Students will log in for classes following the current class schedule. Remote/In Person learning following the current schedule will resume on Monday, January 11th.
Please contact the office if you have decided over break that your child will be remote for 3rd quarter so that we may update our rosters.
Also, please contact the office if any issues have developed over break that will cause your child to miss school.
Please return textbooks as soon as possible for necessary classes if your teacher has instructed you to do so.

Join us in google meet for next Monday's board meeting.

We are back online. Internet service has been restored!

Our internet provider is experiencing a major outage in our area. All Jr high and High school remote students should log in to Google Classroom to work on posted assignments until we have an update from Mediacom.

Dear Cobden Students and Families,
As we have shared previously, the COVID-19 pandemic would undoubtedly require the district to be flexible and responsive to quickly changing circumstances.
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, our Board of Education has made the decision to take a short, adaptive pause and transition all students to remote learning, beginning Friday, November 20.
Our plan, at this time, is to transition back to our current schedule on November 30 when students return to school from Thanksgiving Break. Students will follow the same class schedule in remote learning. Please be on the lookout for emails from classroom teachers with more detailed information about remote learning plans.
We promise that it was not a decision any of us took lightly and it was made in consultation with the Southern Seven Health Department.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support as we navigate new challenges this school year. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Edwin Shoemate
Estimados estudiantes y familias de Cobden:
Como hemos compartido anteriormente, la pandemia de COVID-19 sin duda requeriría que el distrito sea flexible y responda a las circunstancias que cambian rápidamente.
Desafortunadamente, debido a circunstancias imprevistas, nuestra Junta de Educación ha tomado la decisión extremadamente difícil de hacer una breve pausa adaptativa y hacer la transición de todos los estudiantes al aprendizaje remoto a partir del viernes 20 de noviembre.
Nuestro plan, en este momento, es regresar a nuestro horario actual el 30 de noviembre después de que los estudiantes regresen a la escuela después de las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias. Los estudiantes seguirán el mismo horario de clases en aprendizaje remoto. Esté atento a los correos electrónicos de los maestros del aula con información más detallada sobre los planes de aprendizaje remoto.
Prometimos que no fue una decisión que ninguno de nosotros tomó a la ligera y que se tomó en consulta con el Departamento de Salud de Southern Seven.
Gracias por su paciencia, comprensión y apoyo mientras navegamos por nuevos desafíos e inconvenientes este año escolar. Como siempre, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta.
Edwin Shoemate

Upcoming dates:
Nov. 3- No School; Election Day
Nov. 11- No School; Veteran's Day
Nov. 20- Quarter 2 midterm
Nov. 25-27- No School; Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 22- End of Quarter 2
Dec. 23-Jan. 5 - No School; Christmas Break

Please see the attached information regarding Dental Safari. Contact Nurse Nancy McNitt if you have any questions.

Wash your hands to stay healthy!

Bus Evacuation/Safety Video

Today's featured Co Op student works at McDonalds in Carbondale. Luis was busy unloading the truck in this photo. He is enjoying the Co Op program and has done an outstanding job balancing work and school. Mrs. Engelmann is super proud of her Co Op students!

Due to teacher institute and the Columbus day holiday, students will not log in for classes on October 9th and 12th. Enjoy your 4 day weekend!

Join Appleknocker Productions LIVE at 1:30!!

Senior Parent Information Night (SPINight) is virtual this year! A HUGE thanks to Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Walls at AJCHS for creating this online resource for us. The website below provides information on the FAFSA, scholarships, military and union information, and university admission videos. Please take some time to check this awesome resource out! You will also find a Google Form on the homepage for a chance to win a scholarship through AJ National Bank. One Cobden senior is guaranteed a chance to win!

Our 6th graders just finished their study of the Stone Age in Social Studies class with an Art lesson from Mr. Crawford! They learned about Lascaux Cave in France and how and why cave art was created. Check out some of their work!

High School and Jr High BASEBALL as well as Jr High Softball pictures are in! Please stop by the school to pick them up.

Mrs. Engelmann’s Adult Living class welcomed a guest speaker to their
virtual classroom today. Lance Meisenheimer is the Union County Clerk.
He explained how elections work and other important services that
occur at the courthouse. Thank you Mr. Meisenheimer!

Today's featured Co Op student also works at a local business. Anayeli works at the Taqueria Pequena in Cobden. Anayeli is enjoying gaining valuable work experience in the Co Op program.

The high school baseball game has been canceled today.
Today's Jr. High Softball game has been rescheduled and will now be played on Wednesday @ Goreville.