Attention 2021-22 Kindergarten Parents
Kindergarten School Health Requirements
All Kindergarten students must have a Physical Exam. The exam must be completed on the State of Illinois, Certificate of Child Health form. Parent signature and completion of Health History section is required.
Minimum immunization requirements:
DTAP- four or more doses with the last dose being a booster received on or after the 4th birthday
Polio-four dose series with the last dose administered on or after the 4th birthday
Varicella (Chickenpox) -two doses of vaccine or proof of Immunity (Physician statement or laboratory evidence)
Measles, Mumps and Rubella- two doses
Hepatitis B -3 dose series
Dental Exam is required. Must be submitted on State of Illinois, Illinois Department of Public Health, Proof of School Dental Exam form.
Eye Exam is required with an optometrist or eye doctor. Must be submitted on State of Illinois, Department of Public Health, Eye Examination Report.
Please turn in a copy of all exams and immunization records to the school nurse upon completion.
Late winter is a good time to call your dentist, optometrist, and medical provider to get exams and immunizations scheduled.
If you have any questions about the required exams or immunizations please contact Nancy McNitt at nmcnitt@cusd17.com

Upcoming PTO Paragon Fundraiser Details: (see live feed on app)

JH Boys Basketball livestream at 6pm tonight! Cobden vs Anna. https://youtu.be/ufrZe1AVsAs

IT’S TIME FOR A PARADE! Homecoming looks a little different this year, we agree, but we are doing all we can to celebrate!
Here is your chance to see this year’s Homecoming Court and the Marching Appleknockers in action! Special guests include the High School Basketball team and Cheerleaders!
We will have a small parade through town on Saturday, February 6th at 11 am. The parade will follow the Peachfest route.
We hope to see the community there! Come show these students your support!
¡ES HORA DE UN DESFILE! El regreso a casa se ve un poco diferente este año, estamos de acuerdo, ¡pero estamos haciendo todo lo posible para celebrarlo!
¡Aquí tienes la oportunidad de ver el Homecoming Court de este año y los Marching Appleknockers en acción! ¡Los invitados especiales incluyen el equipo de baloncesto de la escuela secundaria y las animadoras!
Tendremos un pequeño desfile por la ciudad el sábado 6 de febrero a las 11 am. El desfile seguirá la ruta Peachfest.
¡Esperamos ver a la comunidad allí! ¡Ven y muestra tu apoyo a estos estudiantes!

Attention 5th Grade Parents:

Coat Reminder

Check out tonight's Junior High Volleyball game livestream!
Cobden vs Shawnee
Starts at 6pm!

Congratulations Gus Stevens for earning the Kindness Counts award for this week! Gus was observed doing several random acts of kindness for others and we would like to recognize his thoughtful gestures. Keep up the great work!

We are very grateful to Katie Flick and her family for the generous donation in honor of her Papa to support hungry students in our community. Thank you Flick family!

Next week will be Cobden's Homecoming activities. We want to encourage our elementary students to join in the fun if they would like to participate in dressing up for spirit week (Feb. 1-5).
Monday- PJ Day
Tuesday- Favorite Musical Artist/Band
Thursday- Favorite Type of Music Day (country, pop, classical, hip hop)
Friday- Appleknocker Spirit Day

Personal Valentine Cheesecakes
Cobden Elementary PTO Fundraiser (proceeds benefit PTO)
Cheesecake (gluten-free) topped with organic strawberry sauce (homemade, of course), an organic chocolate heart, and an organic chocolate covered strawberry.
$12 per cheesecake (8oz.)
Order online only. Please send payment with your student, orders and payments due before Tuesday, February 2nd 2021.
( https://forms.gle/ArFaDaQmja9c5Xs7A )

Reminder: No School Monday/Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Cobden Homecoming Update:
Student Council has been busy planning this year's Homecoming activities. The theme is "Save the Last Dance" and is scheduled for February 1st-5th. In keeping with Covid guidelines, we are working to have the traditional games and activities while also keeping safety a priority. Students will be allowed to dress up throughout the week and sign up to participate in Battle of the Classes on Friday, February 5th. The games will be in the morning hours instead of the afternoon and will be live-streamed on YouTube. Students will watch the games from their classrooms, and parents are also encouraged to watch.
The homecoming court will be announced next week, but the coronation will look a bit different this year. Coronation is scheduled for Saturday, February 6th, at 6:00 pm in the gymnasium. All members of the court will attend, along with their parents. The ceremony will be live-streamed as well for others to view. At this point, a Homecoming dance will not be planned but may be allowed later in the year if mitigations allow it.
Student Council has done a fabulous job planning new and creative activities for this year's Homecoming. Further details will follow as we continue to get closer to February 1st.

The Cobden Youth & Community Advocates new high school club (CYCA) is raising funds for future service projects they plan to do out in the community. Pictured below are some of the options you may order for these No Place Like Home Shirts. You can order via the online store or fill out an order form (you can print the one pictured here, ask a CYCA member for one, or pick one up in the elementary or high school offices). All money and forms must be turned in by February 19th to one of the offices or Jamie Nash-Mayberry, volunteer club co-sponsor. Make Checks payable to Silkworm. And if you want a CYCA member to receive service point credit, please put their name on the form or at the end when checking out in the online store.
Online Store Link- https://www.shopsilkworm.com/cobdenhs

Cobden Unit School Dist 17 strives to keep parents informed and up to date on school happenings. We are excited to announce another way that we are bringing information to you. Download our app today! You can find it in the App Store for iOS and Android users.

Join us in google meet for next Monday's board meeting.

We are back online. Internet service has been restored!

Good morning!
We are experiencing internet outage in our area. Live meetings will possibly be delayed. Please check back periodically to see if we are back online. Thank you for your patience.

Dear Cobden Students and Families,
As we have shared previously, the COVID-19 pandemic would undoubtedly require the district to be flexible and responsive to quickly changing circumstances.
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, our Board of Education has made the decision to take a short, adaptive pause and transition all students to remote learning, beginning Friday, November 20.
Our plan, at this time, is to transition back to our current schedule on November 30 when students return to school from Thanksgiving Break. Students will follow the same class schedule in remote learning. Please be on the lookout for emails from classroom teachers with more detailed information about remote learning plans.
We promise that it was not a decision any of us took lightly and it was made in consultation with the Southern Seven Health Department.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support as we navigate new challenges this school year. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Edwin Shoemate
Estimados estudiantes y familias de Cobden:
Como hemos compartido anteriormente, la pandemia de COVID-19 sin duda requeriría que el distrito sea flexible y responda a las circunstancias que cambian rápidamente.
Desafortunadamente, debido a circunstancias imprevistas, nuestra Junta de Educación ha tomado la decisión extremadamente difícil de hacer una breve pausa adaptativa y hacer la transición de todos los estudiantes al aprendizaje remoto a partir del viernes 20 de noviembre.
Nuestro plan, en este momento, es regresar a nuestro horario actual el 30 de noviembre después de que los estudiantes regresen a la escuela después de las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias. Los estudiantes seguirán el mismo horario de clases en aprendizaje remoto. Esté atento a los correos electrónicos de los maestros del aula con información más detallada sobre los planes de aprendizaje remoto.
Prometimos que no fue una decisión que ninguno de nosotros tomó a la ligera y que se tomó en consulta con el Departamento de Salud de Southern Seven.
Gracias por su paciencia, comprensión y apoyo mientras navegamos por nuevos desafíos e inconvenientes este año escolar. Como siempre, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta.
Edwin Shoemate

Friday Fun! Get up and move to Happy with Mrs. Boie and Mrs Ronna!