Practicing bus safety today with our students.
Reminder: Tomorrow is a 2:00 dismissal and no school on Thursday in honor of Veterans Day
Reminders for next week: Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, Monday 2:00 Dismissal, Wednesday 2:00 Dismissal, Thursday No School Veterans Day)
Our PTO meeting is beginning now. Feel free to join!
Happy Monday!
5th grade volcano 🌋 painting
5th grade volcanoes 🌋 progress
Spooky times in 5th grade!👻
Halloween 🎃
3rd grade silent scavenger hunt 🎃🕷👻
Cobden Elementary staff dressed up with a Disney theme
Halloween 👻 fun in 4th!
Halloween 🎃 festivities at school today!
Shaving cream spelling in 2nd grade
Observing spiders 🕷 with a magnifying glass and doing a science experiment to learn how spiders eat their prey in PreK
🌋☄️💥VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS in 5thgrade! 💥☄️🌋
Continued painting 5th grade volcanoes 🌋
5th grade painting volcanoes 🌋
5th grade volcanoes 🌋 in progress
REMINDER: Paragon orders must be picked up this Friday from 2:45-3:15 at the front ball field. Orders will not be sent home with students.